The purpose of the KDA is to promote and strengthen the art and sport of Dressage in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. KDA will provide leadership to its members to assist them in fostering individual and collective growth by providing education, publications, competitions, exhibitions, and increasing general public awareness for Dressage.

The Kentucky Dressage Association, Inc., a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, is a group member organization of the United States Dressage Federation.

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Kentucky Dressage Association is a group member organization of the United States Dressage Federation. Each year, KDA hosts dressage horse shows and sponsors several top-notch dressage clinics.

KDA's horse shows provide dressage riders and their horses with the opportunity to compete at both nationally recognized and local level shows. A membership to KDA provides access to discounted clinics with popular dressage instructors, participation and recognition in an exceptional annual awards program, instant eligibility for prize money at some of our sanctioned shows and scholarships for those wanting to further their dressage education. From schooling shows, to recognized shows in May, July and October and breed shows exhibitors, owners and trainers are offered a wide variety of choices to meet their needs.

Since most of the horse shows take place at the Kentucky Horse Park, dressage enthusiasts have the privilege of  enjoying one of the finest facilities in the nation.

Thank you to our Sponsors

Debbie & Rich Banas

Click on image above to learn more.

Click on image above to learn more. KDA’s organization number is PE878